dir="ltr" lang="en-US" prefix="og: https://ogp.me/ns#"> Dars e Nizami - Al Aziz Institute

Dars e Nizami

What is Dars-e-Nizami ?

Dars-e-Nizami is a traditional islamic course for those who want to become Alim.

Dars-e-Nizami is an study educational modules or framework utilized in customary Islamic organizations (madrassas) and Dar Ul Ulooms, which began in the Indian subcontinent in the eighteenth century.

What will I learn in Dars-e-Nizami ?

  • Holy Quran and its Commentary.
  • Hadees and its Usool.
  • Fiqh and its Usool.
  • Arabic Grammar.
  • Adab, Tasawwuf , Balaghat (Rhetoric) , Mantiq and many other sciences as well.


1st Year

click here

2nd Year

click here

3rd Year

click here

4th Year

click here

5th Year

click here

6th Year

click here

7th Year

click here

8th Year

click here


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